BOOKS - HISTORY - Партия левых социалистов-революционеров. Документы и материалы. 191...
Партия левых социалистов-революционеров. Документы и материалы. 1917—1925 гг. В 3-х тт. Т.1. Июль 1917 г. — май 1918 г - Леонтьев Я.В. 2000 PDF М. «Российская политическая энциклопедия» (РОССПЭН) BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 8.77


Партия левых социалистов-революционеров. Документы и материалы. 1917—1925 гг. В 3-х тт. Т.1. Июль 1917 г. — май 1918 г
Author: Леонтьев Я.В.
Year: 2000
Format: PDF
File size: 51.96 MB
Language: RU

Today, in the KhKhІ century, it is more than obvious that an unambiguous assessment of the events of 1917-1921. the modern generation of historians will not. Our society is too multipolar, and this polarization is reflected in historical science. Another thing is clear: with all the variety of interpretations and conflicting judgments regarding the Second Russian Revolution, there can be no underestimation of its consequences. There is no doubt that the past century was lived under the sign of a communist experiment that influenced the entire course of world development.

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