BOOKS - PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS - Ремонт гармоник, баянов и аккордеонов...
Ремонт гармоник, баянов и аккордеонов - И. Фадеев, И. Кузнецов 1971 PDF Легкая индустрия BOOKS PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS
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Ремонт гармоник, баянов и аккордеонов
Author: И. Фадеев, И. Кузнецов
Year: 1971
Format: PDF
File size: 51,96 MB
Language: RU

The book describes the most common best samples of harmonics, accordions and accordions, explains their design features. Describes how to troubleshoot and repair all components and parts of these tools. Unlike the first edition, the sections of the technology for gluing cases with celluloid, repairing keyboard mechanisms, bellows, performing gluing work and gluing modes are supplemented.

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