BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - 50 лучших книг в инфографике. Инструменты личной эффек...
50 лучших книг в инфографике. Инструменты личной эффективности
Author: Иванов М.
Year: 2020
Format: PDF
File size: 16.5 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2020
Format: PDF
File size: 16.5 MB
Language: RU
Everyone is able to realize a dream. To do this, you need a little: understand what it is, and consistently move in its direction. What prevents us? We often stumble over the fact that we do not know what we want. We also lack the determination to tackle what is truly valuable. Some of us simply lack the skills to properly manage time, follow priorities, develop, communicate. This book is a guide to the white field that separates you from your goal. This is a comprehensive set of tools that will help you: determine what you want and plan your path; manage time; develop the necessary skills and opportunities; act despite obstacles and fear; properly manage what you earn.