BOOKS - Enhancing the Prospects for Growth And Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic (World Ba...
Enhancing the Prospects for Growth And Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic (World Bank Country Study) - World Bank Group October 12, 2005 PDF  BOOKS
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Enhancing the Prospects for Growth And Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic (World Bank Country Study)
Author: World Bank Group
Year: October 12, 2005
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 2.8 MB
Language: English

The Kyrgyz Republic has made major strides in the past decade in its transition to a market-based economy. Its trade and investment policies are arguably the most liberal among the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Despite the generally progressive stance on structural policies and a sound record of macroeconomic management in recent years, economic growth has been modest, living standards are low, a large burden of external debt has accumulated, and integration into global production and trade remains limited. The growth agenda must address more carefully the constraints to greater supply-side response to ongoing reforms - an agenda that can facilitate a broad-based growth of economic activity and exports. Risks to sustainability of current growth rates and continued poverty reduction will otherwise remain high as will the economy's vulnerability to external shocks. This report is aimed at assisting authorities fashioning this agenda by focusing on three key Identifying strategic options to strengthen prospects for medium- and long-term growth and poverty reduction; Assessing ways of leveraging domestic trade policy reforms and existing regional and multilateral trade agreements for further regional and global integration; and Identifying key areas where greater efforts are necessary to facilitate improvements in enterprise capability and productivity.

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