BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Чистый код. Создание, анализ и рефакторинг...
Чистый код. Создание, анализ и рефакторинг - Мартин Р. 2010 PDF Питер BOOKS PROGRAMMING
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Чистый код. Создание, анализ и рефакторинг
Author: Мартин Р.
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 30 MB
Language: RU

This book is about good programming. It is full of real code examples. We will look at the code from different directions: from top to bottom, from bottom to top, and even from the inside. After reading the book, you will learn a lot about the code. Moreover, you will learn to distinguish good code from bad. You will learn how to write good code and how to convert bad code into good code. The book consists of three parts.

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