BOOKS - HISTORY - Краткий очерк истории и описание Нижнего Новгорода...
Краткий очерк истории и описание Нижнего Новгорода - Храмцовский Н. Ч.1 1857, Ч.2 1859 PDF В.К. Мичурина, Губернская типография (Нижний Новгород) BOOKS HISTORY
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Краткий очерк истории и описание Нижнего Новгорода
Author: Храмцовский Н.
Year: Ч.1 1857, Ч.2 1859
Format: PDF
File size: 20.34 MB
Language: RU

Nizhnіy -Novgorod, in its real polozhenіyu, what the fair gives it, and in its past, which has an important znachenіe in the Russian Istorіi, deserves special vnimanіya and has long deserved special istorіi; and between now and now there has not yet been found for him not only a historian, but even a simple descriptor who, without entering strogіy kriticheskіy analyze historical sobytіy, would convey them in fact in chronological continuity and possible completeness, as materіaly for a future historian...

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