BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Суперлинкоры Сталина. "Советский Союз", "Кронштадт", "Стал...
Суперлинкоры Сталина. "Советский Союз", "Кронштадт", "Сталинград" - Андрей Васильев, Аркадий Морин 2008 PDF Яуза, Коллекция BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Суперлинкоры Сталина. "Советский Союз", "Кронштадт", "Сталинград"
Author: Андрей Васильев, Аркадий Морин
Year: 2008
Format: PDF
File size: 62,80 MB
Language: RU

In 1935, the Soviet government embarked on the creation of the Big Fleet, which was to be based on the world's most powerful battleships of the Soviet Union type and heavy, in fact, battlecruisers of the Kronstadt type. The design and construction of these ships, unique in their characteristics, was carried out on the direct instructions of I.V. Stalin, who saw in them primarily an instrument of great politics. At that time, the ocean battleship fleet was considered a necessary attribute of a great power, and the construction of new battleships in the USSR was considered the highest priority. However, due to the outbreak of World War II, Soviet superlincors never went into operation. The experience of World War II showed that heavy artillery ships lost their leading role. Nevertheless, Stalin had a different opinion. As a result, our country was the only one in the world where work continued on the creation of battleships in the post-war years. The construction of superracers of the Stalingrad type, which had no analogues, continued until 1953, and only after the death of the leader was it stopped... Although the giants of the Soviet "Big Fleet" never had a chance to enter the ocean, they played a role, giving a powerful impetus to the development of the scientific and technical base of domestic shipbuilding. It is no coincidence that many participants in the design of "Stalin's superlincors" later became prominent designers, and powerful missile ships of the next generations were built on stocks created for battleships.

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