BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Путь к самоактуализации как раздвинуть границы своих в...
Путь к самоактуализации как раздвинуть границы своих возможностей - Скотт Барри Кауфман 2021 PDF | RTF Альпина Паблишер BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Путь к самоактуализации как раздвинуть границы своих возможностей
Author: Скотт Барри Кауфман
Year: 2021
Format: PDF | RTF
File size: 13 MB
Language: RU

Founder of humanistic psychology Abraham Maslow is widely known for the concept of self-actualization, the path to which lies through the satisfaction of such basic human needs as food and security. However, the .pyramid of needs., Which is often remembered in connection with the name of the great psychologist, is a simplified and incomplete model of his idea of ​ ​ a hierarchy of needs. The famous American cognitive scientist Scott Barry Kaufman carefully studied Maslow's late notes and unpublished texts and with their help supplemented the theory of the classic, who wrote a lot at the end of his life and spoke about higher needs. - love, friendship, self-esteem, self-esteem, individuality. The updated hierarchy is intended to serve as a basis for the reader to understand the nature of a person and his actions, and checklists and practical tasks that complement the book will help to comprehend their own models of behavior and confidently move along the path of personal development to self-actualization.

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