BOOKS - HISTORY - Хоть на виселицу
Хоть на виселицу - Иехуда Атлас 1982 PDF Библиотека-Алия BOOKS HISTORY
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Author: Иехуда Атлас
Year: 1982
Format: PDF
File size: 10.2 MB
Language: RU

This book is an amazing story about the Jewish underground in Iraq, which contributed to the repatriation to Israel of almost all Iraqi Jewry - 110 thousand people - in just one 1951. Modern Iraq occupies the territory of ancient Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia), which became at the dawn of history, along with Egypt, the cradle of civilization. Originating here in the Middle East, the culture gradually spread in breadth and gave rise to the origins of European civilization. Here, in the basin of the great rivers Euphrates and Tigris, Assyria and Babylonia arose - the mighty empires of the conquerors. They captured and destroyed many states, including the small kingdoms of Judea and Israel, whose fall in the 8th and 6th centuries BC marked the beginning of the dispersion of the Jewish people.