BOOKS - Beyond the Screen by Sarah Atkinson (2015-12-17)
Beyond the Screen by Sarah Atkinson (2015-12-17) - unknown author 2014 PDF  BOOKS
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Beyond the Screen by Sarah Atkinson (2015-12-17)
Author: unknown author
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 3.2 MB
Language: English

Beyond the Screen presents an expanded conceptualization of cinema which encompasses the myriad ways film can be experienced in a digitally networked society where the auditorium is now just one location amongst many in which audiences can encounter and engage with films The book includes considerations of mobile web social media and live cinema through numerous examples and case studies of recent and near future developments Through analyses of narrative text process apparatus and audience this book traces the metamorphosis of an emerging cinema and maps the new spaces of spectatorship which are currently challenging what it means to be cinematic in a digitally networked era

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