BOOKS - Fast Track Objective Arithmetic (E)
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic (E) - Rajesh Verma June 25, 2014 PDF  BOOKS
USDt 9.55


Fast Track Objective Arithmetic (E)
Author: Rajesh Verma
Year: June 25, 2014
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 29 MB
Language: English

Here comes the Best Seller! Since its first edition in 2012, Fast TrackObjective Arithmetic has been great architect for building and enhancingAptitude skills in lakhs of aspirant across the country.The first book of its kind has all the necessary elements required to masterthe concepts of Arithmetic through Level Graded Exercises, namely BaseLevel and u0026 Higher Skill Level. Comprehensively covering the syllabus of almostall competitive examinations like, RBI, SBI, IBPS PO, SSC, LIC, CDS, UPSC,Management and all other Entrance Recruitment and Aptitude Test, thebooks has perfect compilation of Basic Concepts and u0026 Short Tricks to solvedifferent types of Arithmetical problems.Unlike before, this completely revised 2018 edition promises to be morebeneficial than the older ones. With up to date coverage of all examquestions, new types of questions and tricks, the thoroughly checked errorfree edition will ensure Complete Command over the subject and help yousucceed in the examinations.

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