BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Эмоциональный стресс, психосоматические и соматопсихич...
Эмоциональный стресс, психосоматические и соматопсихические расстройства у детей - Исаев Д.Н. 2005 DJVU Речь BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Эмоциональный стресс, психосоматические и соматопсихические расстройства у детей
Author: Исаев Д.Н.
Year: 2005
Format: DJVU
File size: 12 MB

The two-way connection between the psyche and the body is significantly closer than anticipated. The younger the children, the more obvious it is. In fact, every sick child simultaneously suffers from somatic and neuropsychiatric disorders. Emotional stress constantly experienced by children often leads to psychosomatic disorders. They are negatively experienced by the emerging personality and thereby exacerbate the emerging health disorders. Protective mechanisms in children are not mature enough, and they are not able to cope with this pathology. As a result, it becomes an obstacle to normal development or gives rise to serious diseases.