BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Литература в таблицах и схемах теория, история, словарь...
Литература в таблицах и схемах теория, история, словарь - Мещерякова М. 2003 - 3-е изд. DJVU М. Айрис-пресс BOOKS HUMANITIES
USDt 8.81


Литература в таблицах и схемах теория, история, словарь
Author: Мещерякова М.
Year: 2003 - 3-е изд.
Format: DJVU
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

The reference manual contains tables and diagrams representing the history of the development of literature in Russia, reflecting the basic theoretical concepts of literary criticism (genera, types and genres, schools and directions, content and form of a literary work, sciences of literature. There is also a short dictionary (about 180 terms).

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