Иранские языки - Оранский И.М. 1963 PDF М. восточной литературы BOOKS FOREIGN LANGUAGES
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Иранские языки
Author: Оранский И.М.
Year: 1963
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB

The work of I.M. Oransky, "Iranian Languages," offered to the reader, is part of a series of essays on the languages ​ ​ of the foreign East and Africa, published by the Institute of Asian Peoples of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Separate essays are devoted to the characteristics of language groups, such as: "Languages ​ ​ of India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Nepal," "Languages ​ ​ South East Asia," "Mongolian languages ​ ​ and dialects of China,"" Languages ​ ​ of Africa," etc. Most of the essays describe specific living languages ​ ​ of various countries in Asia and Africa: Arabic, Amharic, Turkish, Uyghur, Mongolian, Persian, Pashto (Afghan), Farsi Kabuli, Baloch, Kurdish, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Assamese, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Chinese, Zhuang, Tibetan, Thai (Siamese), Burmese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Indonesian, Tagalog (in Philippines), Japanese, Korean, Zulu, Swahili, Luganda, Hausa and a number of others, as well as languages ​ ​ of the past, which played a large cultural and historical role in the life of the peoples of the East: Egyptian, Sanskrit, Pali, Avestan, Middle Persian, Old Uigur, etc. Of course, the construction of each essay has its own characteristics and deviations from the general scheme, explained by the specifics of the described language and the degree of its knowledge.