BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Слово и текст в средневековой культуре. Концептуализм Абеляра...
Слово и текст в средневековой культуре. Концептуализм Абеляра - Неретина С.С. 1994 PDF | DJVU М. Гнозис BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Слово и текст в средневековой культуре. Концептуализм Абеляра
Author: Неретина С.С.
Year: 1994
Format: PDF | DJVU
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

The book is an analysis of the ethics and logic of Peter Abelard (1079-1142), revealing a complex set of problems facing researchers of medieval philosophy. Characterizing conceptualism coming from Abelard as a way to identify the universal through "a special, concrete, which is a spliced being," S. S. Neretina "made an attempt to show a way of representing the general in each specific field of knowledge that interested Abelard: in logic, in theology, in ethics by the method of textual analysis of each specific work, the purpose of which is to detect the subject of the work revealing his "maps" in response to questioning the researcher."

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