BOOKS - OS AND DB - Базы данных освоение работы в MS Access 2007...
Базы данных освоение работы в MS Access 2007 - Борзунова Т.Л., Горбунова Т.Н., Дементьева Н.Г. 2014 PDF Вузовское образование BOOKS OS AND DB
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Базы данных освоение работы в MS Access 2007
Author: Борзунова Т.Л., Горбунова Т.Н., Дементьева Н.Г.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 17 MB
Language: RU

Studying databases is an urgent task in preparing modern university graduates who must have an understanding of the types of database models, approaches to their design, and be able to create and manage them. The presented electronic textbook is designed to solve this important problem. This tutorial can be used for both self-paced and classroom training. It contains basic theoretical and practical information, as well as questions for consolidating the resulting material.

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