BOOKS - HISTORY - Западноберлинский транзит (1945-1971) дипломатия холодной войны...
Западноберлинский транзит (1945-1971) дипломатия холодной войны - Беспалов В.А. 2015 DJVU | PDF Язык Русский посвящено рассмотрению транзитного аспекта западноберлинской проблемы в контексте европ BOOKS HISTORY
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Западноберлинский транзит (1945-1971) дипломатия холодной войны
Author: Беспалов В.А.
Year: 2015
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 40.1 MB
Language: RU

The publication is devoted to the consideration of the transit aspect of the West Berlin problem in the context of European international relations from the question of the occupation of Berlin in 1943-1945 to the conclusion of the Quadripartite Agreements on West Berlin in 1971. The thesis prevailing in foreign historiography about "fault" of the USSR and the GDR in the occurrence in the 40-60s. problems with the operation of transit traffic from West Berlin to Germany. It is concluded that the main reason for the emergence of such a situation was the same approach of both sides of the Cold War to West Berlin transit as an instrument for defending their geopolitical interests.

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