BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Русские просветители (от Радищева до декабристов). Собрание прои...
Русские просветители (от Радищева до декабристов). Собрание произведений в 2-х томах - П.И. Челищев, В.В. Пассек, А.Ф. Бестужев, И.П. Пнин, В.Ф. Малиновский, В.В. Попугаев, А.С. Кайсаров 1966 DJVU Мысль BOOKS HUMANITIES
USDt 7.88


Русские просветители (от Радищева до декабристов). Собрание произведений в 2-х томах
Author: П.И. Челищев, В.В. Пассек, А.Ф. Бестужев, И.П. Пнин, В.Ф. Малиновский, В.В. Попугаев, А.С. Кайсаров
Year: 1966
Format: DJVU
File size: 23.0 MB
Language: RU

The development of philosophical and socio-political thought in Russia in the period after the appearance of "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" by A.N. Radishchev and before the work of the Decembrists is little studied in our literature and even less known to a wide circle of readers. This edition fills this gap to a certain extent and acquaints the reader with the totality of works of Russian enlighteners of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. The first volume includes the works of P.I. Chelishchev, V.V. Passek, A.F. Bestuzheva, I.P. Pnina, V.F. Malinovsky, A.S. Kaisarova. Introductory article by I.Ya. Shchipanov. The second volume of the publication includes the works of A.S. Lubkin, T.F. Osipovsky, A.P. Kunitsyn. The appendix publishes a "Letter on the benefits of teaching to Vasily Sergeyevich Sheremetyev" V.P. Kolychev.

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