BOOKS - HISTORY - Гагаузы система терминов родства и происхождение народа...
Гагаузы система терминов родства и происхождение народа - Шабашов А. В. 2002 DJVU Астропринт BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 6.90


Гагаузы система терминов родства и происхождение народа
Author: Шабашов А. В.
Year: 2002
Format: DJVU
File size: 13.7 MB
Language: RU

The monograph reflects the most important issues regarding terminology and kinship relations, typology, genesis and evolution of the Gagauz system of kinship terms. The analysis of the system of terms of kinship, features of language, ethnonym and ethnic identity, material and spiritual culture of the people, historical messages underlies the author's consideration of the problem of the origin of the Gagauz ethnic group. A large place in the book is given to the genesis of various elements of the Gagauz culture, while many data are first introduced into scientific circulation. Designed for ethnographers, historians and a wide range of readers.

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