BOOKS - FICTION - Язык РусскийНиколай Туроверов (1899-1972) – русский эмигрантский по...
US $7.47
Язык РусскийНиколай Туроверов (1899-1972) – русский эмигрантский поэт, донской казак, участник Белого движения.В книгу вошли стихотворные сборники «Путь» (1928), «Стихи» (1937, 1939, 1942 и 1965 гг.),
Author: Туроверов Николай Николаевич
Year: 1999
Number of pages: 322
Format: PDF
File size: 26.1 MB
Language: RU
Year: 1999
Number of pages: 322
Format: PDF
File size: 26.1 MB
Language: RU
Nikolai Turoverov (1899-1972) - Russian emigrant poet, Don Cossack, member of the White movement. The book includes poetic collections "The Way" (1928), "Poems" (1937, 1939, 1942 and 1965), the poetic cycle "Legion" (1940-45), poems from the archive of I. Turoverova, as well as the historical story "The End of Suvorov. "The title for the book was a line from Turoverov's poem "Crimea"