9876168 YOULIBR - Эволюция меловых и кайнозойских ламноидных акул Гликман Л.С. PDF 1980 BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES evolyuciya-melovyh-i-kaynozoyskih-lamnoidnyh-akul
BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Эволюция меловых и кайнозойских ламноидных акул...
Эволюция меловых и кайнозойских ламноидных акул - Гликман Л.С. 1980 PDF Наука BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
US $7.91

Эволюция меловых и кайнозойских ламноидных акул
Author: Гликман Л.С.
Year: 1980
Number of pages: 250
Format: PDF
File size: 16,95 MB
Language: RU

In a monograph that continues the published work of the same author, "Paleogene Sharks," the previously proposed division of the elasmobranchia subclass into two main branches - osteodonts and orthodonts, from which, during evolution, the second branch displaces the first. The book is of interest to a wide range of evolutionists, morphologists, taxonomists, stratigraphs and paleontologists.

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