BOOKS - POPULAR SCIENCE - Сотворение мира. Мифы и легенды
Сотворение мира. Мифы и легенды - Рагаш, Клод-Катрин и Лаверде, Марсель 1995 PDF Париж Ашетт; Москва Диалог BOOKS POPULAR SCIENCE
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Сотворение мира. Мифы и легенды
Author: Рагаш, Клод-Катрин и Лаверде, Марсель
Year: 1995
Format: PDF
File size: 24.0 MB
Language: RU

Most myths attribute the Creation of worlds to a single god, the supreme god-Creator. In monotheistic religions, the whole act of creation is the act of the One God, who created the Universe according to His Will. In polytheistic religions, the Creator God is limited to the creation of? the main thing?, mainly the Earth, the heavenly vault, people and sometimes some animals. The rest of the gods or heroes bring creation? to mind?: create plants, establish a change of seasons, command natural phenomena, invent music, dance, war? Myths of the peoples of the world abound with the most unexpected and incredible events. But always, at all latitudes, on all continents, people wondered: where did the Universe and man himself come from? Albeit not rational, but mystical, wonderful answer to these questions give myths. They do not explain, but set out the history of the world. This book collects some of these legends - the most famous, unusual or poetic. The book is accompanied by a popular science commentary.

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