BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Физика тяжелых ионов и ее приложения...
Физика тяжелых ионов и ее приложения - Оганесян Ю.Ц., Пенионжкевич Ю.Э., Григорьев В.А. 2021 PDF Дубна ОИЯИ BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
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Физика тяжелых ионов и ее приложения
Author: Оганесян Ю.Ц., Пенионжкевич Ю.Э., Григорьев В.А.
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 19 MB
Language: RU

The manual was based on lectures given by the authors at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, of which they are professors. The manual sets out the features of nuclear reactions with heavy ions. Classical directions of research with heavy ions at energy up to 100 MeVnuklon are discussed. A classification of heavy ion accelerators and modern methods for recording products of nuclear reactions and radiation is given. Selected issues in the use of heavy ions in related fields of science are also presented.

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