BOOKS - POPULAR SCIENCE - 100 великих археологических открытий...
100 великих археологических открытий - Низовский Андрей Юрьевич 2013 FB2 Вече BOOKS POPULAR SCIENCE
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100 великих археологических открытий
Author: Низовский Андрей Юрьевич
Year: 2013
Format: FB2
File size: 10,6 MB
Language: RU

Archeology is a relatively young science. Nevertheless, it was thanks to her that humanity was able to learn many secrets of its past. The great archaeological discoveries made over the past two hundred years made it possible to open the veil over the mystery of the origin of man, to restore the history of the oldest civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Mediterranean and America, to get acquainted with the achievements of the greatest cultures of the ancient world.

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