BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Основы программирования в среде PascalABC.NET...
Основы программирования в среде PascalABC.NET - Долинер Л.И. 2014 PDF Екатеринбург Изд-во Урал. ун-та BOOKS PROGRAMMING
USDt 5.80


Основы программирования в среде PascalABC.NET
Author: Долинер Л.И.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

The manual is part of a complex designed to teach the basics of programming in the Object Pascal language in the PascalABC.NET. environment. The complex includes, in addition to this book, methodological recommendations for the teacher, an additional task book and a set of training files that provide a full and effective learning process the basics of programming.

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