BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Кто воевал числом, а кто – умением...
Кто воевал числом, а кто – умением - Соколов Б.В. 2011 PDF Москва. Яуза-Пресс BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Кто воевал числом, а кто – умением
Author: Соколов Б.В.
Year: 2011
Format: PDF
File size: 107.6 MB
Language: RU

"Of the hundred enemy soldiers who attacked us, two hundred were killed." This historical anecdote is not so far from the truth: at all times, in all wars, enemy losses are considered "in Suvorov's way" - they say that when, after another victory, the adjutant asked Alexander Vasilyevich how many killed Turks to enter into the report to Mother Empress, he replied: "Write more! Why pity them, propostats!" During the Second World War, the bloody Stalinist regime applied this principle to its own people - the Red Army fought as if the "fathers-commanders" set out to exterminate as many Soviet soldiers as possible with the hands of the Nazis...

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