BOOKS - HISTORY - Очерки античной палеоэкологии Нижнего Побужья и Нижнего Поднепровья...
Очерки античной палеоэкологии Нижнего Побужья и Нижнего Поднепровья - Иевлев М.М. 2014 PDF | DJVU Киев видавець Олег Філюк BOOKS HISTORY
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Очерки античной палеоэкологии Нижнего Побужья и Нижнего Поднепровья
Author: Иевлев М.М.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF | DJVU
File size: 78,33 MB
Language: RU

The monograph is devoted to the problem of interaction between nature and society in the Northern Black Sea region, considered on the example of the Olbian state. Having arisen in the 7th century BC, it exists until the 4th century AD, that is, almost the entire period of the existence of ancient civilization on the territory of the Northern Black Sea region. The monograph determines the role and degree of influence of natural changes on the economic activity of the population, as well as the role of the anthropogenic factor in changes in the landscapes of the region. An attempt was made to reconstruct the environment of the Lower Pobuzhye and Lower Dnieper regions at the main stages of the development of the Olbian state: archaic, classical-Hellenistic and Roman.

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