BOOKS - HISTORY - Русский Феодальный архив XIV - первой трети XVI века.Т.1...
Русский Феодальный архив XIV - первой трети XVI века.Т.1 - Буганов В.И. (ред.) 1986 PDF М. Академия Наук СССР BOOKS HISTORY
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Русский Феодальный архив XIV - первой трети XVI века.Т.1
Author: Буганов В.И. (ред.)
Year: 1986
Format: PDF
File size: 18.31 MB
Language: RU

Metropolitan Archive focused on the most important documentation coming from the office of the head of the Russian Church (acts of church legal life - conciliar sentences, posed, unsubscribed, sworn letters of hierarchs, etc., and epistolaries - messages from the lords and metropolitan), materials received by the metropolitan from the sovereign departments and monasteries sent by the hierarchs of the Eastern Church, as well as letters from the grand ducal treasury (foreign policy materials, spiritual and contractual letters, cross-kiss notes, etc.).

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