BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Ленинградская бойня. Страшная правда о Блокаде...
Ленинградская бойня. Страшная правда о Блокаде - БешановВ. 2012 PDF Москва. Яуза-Пресс BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
US $5.61

Ленинградская бойня. Страшная правда о Блокаде
Author: БешановВ.
Year: 2012
Number of pages: 417
Format: PDF
File size: 55.2 MB
Language: RU

The most "inconvenient" and scandalous book of the popular historian. Continuation of the bestsellers "Blood Red Army" and "Tank pogrom of 1941." A new look at the tragedy of the Leningrad Blockade. The terrible truth about the longest and most brutal massacre of the Great Patriotic War, which lasted more than two years and claimed millions of lives. Refuting the official Soviet version of the "defense of Leningrad," this book proves that, in fact, there was no defense, that the battle for Leningrad is "one continuous offensive of the Red Army, inconceivably bloody, unsuccessful, often meaningless. The troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts participating in this massacre never defended themselves.

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