9876168 YOULIBR - Сборник географических, топографических и статистических материалов по Азии Вып. 51 коллектив PDF 1892 BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY sbornik-geograficheskih-topograficheskih-i-statisticheskih-materialov-po-azii-vyp-51
BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Сборник географических, топографических и статистических м...
Сборник географических, топографических и статистических материалов по Азии Вып. 51 - коллектив 1892 PDF ] С.-Петербург. Военная типография BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
US $5.47

Сборник географических, топографических и статистических материалов по Азии Вып. 51
Author: коллектив
Year: 1892
Number of pages: 196
Format: PDF
File size: 69.45 MB
Language: RU

Shanghai-Guan, Colonel Putyat. Astrabad-Shahrud- Bastamskіy raіon and from? in. Khorasan, Headquarters-Captain Artamonov. Preliminary outline for? zdok in Persіyu, Captain Str.? libitsnago. Obozr?nіe of Transbaikalia, Headquarters-Captain Grulev. Part I. Apartment raspisanіe of the Chinese troops. Hei-lung-jian provintsіya. Religіoznyya suyev?rіya and pre-proceedings of the Chinese. Deputy? tk about the troops, in Or. Obnovlenіe kr. Chuguchak. K plans ukr. port Arthur. Erzingyan. Polozhenіe the English in the Bushehr-skom of consulates? .VYP. LII. Izvlechenіe from the report of P. M. Vlasov on? zdk? in 1892 to c? in. okr. Khorasana, b prilozhenіem. Persіya and persidskіy question, Georg Curzon.

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