BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - По следам Ван Гога. Записки 1949 года...
По следам Ван Гога. Записки 1949 года - Бурлюк Давид, Бурлюк Мария 2016 FB2 М. Грюндриссе BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
US $8.63

По следам Ван Гога. Записки 1949 года
Author: Бурлюк Давид, Бурлюк Мария
Year: 2016
Number of pages: 252
Format: FB2
File size: 16 MB
Language: RU

This is a diary of a journey from New York to the Cote d'Azur and beyond, through post-war Provence and Languedoc. The main place in this journey is occupied by the places of Van Gogh (Arles, Saint-Remy, Saint-Marie, Tarascon) - the search for his motives and people who still remember the artist, but places associated with Cezanne, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec also come to the attention of Burliukov.

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