BOOKS - RELIGION - Шаманство. Сравнительно-этнографические очерки...
Шаманство. Сравнительно-этнографические очерки - Михайловский В.М. 1892 PDF Москва. Т-во. Скоропечатни А.А. Левенсон BOOKS RELIGION
US $6.85

Шаманство. Сравнительно-этнографические очерки
Author: Михайловский В.М.
Year: 1892
Number of pages: 124
Format: PDF
File size: 39.72 MB
Language: RU

In this work, V.M. Mikhailovsky explores the worldview of the followers of shamanism, the connection of shamanism with other early forms of religious beliefs. The book contains rich empirical material characterizing the shamanic practices of the peoples of Russia.

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