BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Разработка игр на языке javascript
Разработка игр на языке javascript
Author: Беляев С. А.
Year: 2020 - 3-е изд.
Format: PDF OCR
File size: 18 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2020 - 3-е изд.
Format: PDF OCR
File size: 18 MB
Language: RU
Tutorial covers the key issues of developing single-player two-dimensional games in j & # 097; vascript. The tutorial is built in a practical way, when in separate chapters the development of various elements of the game is carried out in stages. The manual does not have a separate chapter for studying the basics of j & # 097; vascript, its elements are understood in the process of presenting the main material with an explanation of the basic features. It will be easier for the reader to perceive the tutorial if he already speaks j & # 097; vascript, but it is enough to speak any programming language. The textbook is intended for bachelors and masters studying in the areas of "Software Engineering" and "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science," and can also be useful to a wide range of readers interested in developing modern Internet applications.