BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Механизированные корпуса РККА в бою. История автобронетанк...
Механизированные корпуса РККА в бою. История автобронетанковых войск Красной Армии в 1940-1941 годах - Дриг Е. 2005 PDF Москва, Транзиткнига BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Механизированные корпуса РККА в бою. История автобронетанковых войск Красной Армии в 1940-1941 годах
Author: Дриг Е.
Year: 2005
Format: PDF
File size: 111.2 MB
Language: RU

The book is dedicated to the history of the armored forces of the Red Army. The author pays special attention to the actions of the mechanized corps of the Red Army during the tragic events of the summer of 1941, when a tank battle took place in the Dubno region, the Lepel counterattack of the 5th and 7th mechanized corps. The proposed book for the first time describes in detail the combat path of each mechanized corps, provides extensive information on the organizational structure, command staff, the formation of mechanized units, the presence of equipment and weapons. The book is equipped with applications and will be of interest to both specialists and lovers of military history.

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