BOOKS - HISTORY - Исторический маразм Кремля и «Болота». Россией правят двоечники!...
Исторический маразм Кремля и «Болота». Россией правят двоечники! - Нерсесов Ю.А. 2014. PDF Москва.Яуза-каталог BOOKS HISTORY
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Исторический маразм Кремля и «Болота». Россией правят двоечники!
Author: Нерсесов Ю.А.
Year: 2014.
Format: PDF
File size: 52.1 MB
Language: RU

A fresh collection of historical blunders, wild fables and egregious mistakes of the current "rulers of thoughts" - both those in power and oppositionists, from the Kremlin Goebbels to the "swamp" Vlasovites. Homeric samples of elementary illiteracy and rabid stupidity of the Russian "elite." When you read their "revelations" on historical topics, it's time to grab your head: Lord, what kind of ignoramuses and mediocrity rule us?! What is the porridge in their heads, what an explosive mixture of hot delirium and historical insanity?! And where will these losers lead the country in the future if they don't remember a damn thing about its past?

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