BOOKS - FICTION - Все застрелены
Все застрелены - Хаймс Ч. ; Гамильтон Д. ; Райс К. 1998 PDF | FB2 ТЕРРА—Книжный клуб BOOKS FICTION
USDt 9.56


Все застрелены
Author: Хаймс Ч. ; Гамильтон Д. ; Райс К.
Year: 1998
Format: PDF | FB2
File size: 22,7 MB
Language: RU

The collection includes three detective stories by American writers: "All Shot" by C. Himes - a novel about murders committed overnight in a New York crime district, "Cool Showdown" by D. Hamilton - about exposing drug dealers and the classic spy detective "And the doctor is dead" by C. Rice.

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