BOOKS - HISTORY - Из истории Гражданской войны в СССР Сборник документов и материалов...
Из истории Гражданской войны в СССР Сборник документов и материалов в трёх томах 1918-1922 Том 1. Май 1918 - март 1919 - Белов Г.А., Бутенко А.Ф. и др. (ред.) 1960 PDF М. Советская Россия BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 9.60


Из истории Гражданской войны в СССР Сборник документов и материалов в трёх томах 1918-1922 Том 1. Май 1918 - март 1919
Author: Белов Г.А., Бутенко А.Ф. и др. (ред.)
Year: 1960
Format: PDF
File size: 28 MB
Language: RU

This collection contains for the first time documents showing the main events for the entire period of the civil war. The main place among them is occupied by documents of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government, reflecting the organization of the defense of the Soviet Republic, the construction of the Red Army and the strengthening of its rear, the heroic efforts of workers and peasants in defeating the interventionists and internal counter-revolution, and the military operations of the Soviet armed forces.

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