BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Вокал. Краткий словарь терминов и понятий...
Вокал. Краткий словарь терминов и понятий - Александрова Н.А. 2015 PDF Язык русскийВ словарь включено более 500 статей, посвященных различным сферам и понятиям вокального  BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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Вокал. Краткий словарь терминов и понятий
Author: Александрова Н.А.
Year: 2015
Format: PDF
File size: 34 MB
Language: RU

The dictionary includes more than 500 articles on various areas and concepts of vocal art. The dictionary contains terms relating to the genres and forms of vocal music (academic, folk, church, etc.), the structure and functions of the vocal apparatus, various types of vocal technique, as well as a number of concepts from related areas (aesthetics, theater). The publication is intended for musicians, vocalists, students of music educational institutions and a wide range of music and singing lovers.

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