BOOKS - HISTORY - Путевыя записки во святый град Иерусалим и в окрестности онаго Калу...
Путевыя записки во святый град Иерусалим и в окрестности онаго Калужской губернии дворян Вешняковых и мядынскаго купца Новикова в 1804 и 1805 годах - Вешняков И.И. , Новиков М. Л. 1813 PDF Москва в Университетской BOOKS HISTORY
US $9.79

Путевыя записки во святый град Иерусалим и в окрестности онаго Калужской губернии дворян Вешняковых и мядынскаго купца Новикова в 1804 и 1805 годах
Author: Вешняков И.И. , Новиков М. Л.
Year: 1813
Number of pages: 236
Format: PDF
File size: 55.42 MB
Language: RU

Containing in themselves: the most worthy curiosity of any Christian remarks about the holy city of Jerusalem, with the addition of drawings of temples: the life-giving tomb of the Lord and the house of St. King David, remembrance of the holy places of birth, life and suffering of our Savior; made observations from the city of Odessa in Constantinople, on the Archipelago Islands and in Palestine; description of the morals of the inhabitants, their customs, locations, growths and incidents, both there and back with these travelers on the seas and on land who happened.

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