BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Высокочастотный нагрев диэлектрических материалов в маши...
Высокочастотный нагрев диэлектрических материалов в машиностроении - Н.П. Глуханов, И.Г. Федорова 1972 DJVU Машиностроение BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 6.56


Высокочастотный нагрев диэлектрических материалов в машиностроении
Author: Н.П. Глуханов, И.Г. Федорова
Year: 1972
Format: DJVU
File size: 10,15 MB
Language: RU

The book discusses the heating of various non-conductive materials in alternating electric fields using the phenomenon of thermal energy release under variable dielectric polarization; properties of different materials, heating modes thereof, processing techniques and production of articles therefrom are given. Central to the book are issues of polarization heating in high frequency fields. Examples of devices using high-frequency heating for processing a number of materials and products from them are given, as well as an assessment of the profitability of the considered processes. The book is intended for engineering and technical workers involved in the development and implementation of new technological processes with high-frequency heating in the production of products in various branches of mechanical engineering.

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