BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Мессершмитт Bf 109. Истребитель (Знаменитые самолеты)...
Мессершмитт Bf 109. Истребитель (Знаменитые самолеты) - Андрей Фирсов 2001 PDF HQ Размер 115 МВСкан GerzaКнига "Мессершмитт Bf 109" рассказывает об одном из самых известных немецких  BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Мессершмитт Bf 109. Истребитель (Знаменитые самолеты)
Author: Андрей Фирсов
Year: 2001
Format: PDF HQ
File size: 115 МВ
Language: RU

Messerschmitt Bf 109 tells about one of the most famous German fighters of World War II. The history of the creation of the aircraft, the main design features and combat use are considered in detail. Also presented are descriptions of post-war modifications of the Bf 109 fighter, created in Czechoslovakia and Spain. The publication is intended both for specialists and for a wide range of lovers of the history of aviation and military equipment.

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