BOOKS - HISTORY - Очерки истории революционного движения на юге Украины...
Очерки истории революционного движения на юге Украины - Першина З.В. 1975 PDF/DJVU Вища школа BOOKS HISTORY
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Очерки истории революционного движения на юге Украины
Author: Першина З.В.
Year: 1975
Format: PDF/DJVU
File size: 22 MB
Language: RU

The monograph highlights the revolutionary movement in the south of Ukraine in the 60s and 70s. XIX century, its place and role in the socio-political struggle in Russia. The focus of the study is on the prerequisites and activities of the first proletarian organization in Russia "South Russian Union of Workers *, which arose in 1875 in Odessa. The work reveals the patterns and features of the formation and development of the proletariat of Southern Ukraine, his position No. the beginning of the revolutionary struggle, the role of the populists of the 70s. in the labor movement, the ideology and activities of the participants of the "Union" are covered, data on its influence on the further development of the revolutionary movement are given, the growth of the political identity of the proletariat and the creation of prerequisites for the beginning of the spread of Marxism in Russia. The book is designed for scientists, teachers and university students, school teachers, everyone who is interested in the history of the heroic revolutionary traditions of the Soviet people.

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