BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Философский словарь
Философский словарь - Дидье Жюлиа 2000 PDF Международные отношения BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Философский словарь
Author: Дидье Жюлиа
Year: 2000
Format: PDF
File size: 12 MB

This philosophical dictionary from the series of dictionaries of the French publishing house "Larus" introduces the reader to the main philosophical schools of past centuries and our time. The reader will find in it articles about outstanding thinkers, about writings that have become milestones in the history of philosophical thought, about the main problems of man and the world. The dictionary reveals the content of philosophical concepts, concepts, ideas and theories. Written in an accessible language, it is designed not only for specialists, graduate students and students of philosophy departments, but also for everyone who studies philosophy or is interested in it.

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