BOOKS - OS AND DB - InterBase и Delphi Клиент-серверные базы данных (+file)...
InterBase и Delphi Клиент-серверные базы данных (+file) - Осипов Д.Л. 2015 PDF ДМК Пресс BOOKS OS AND DB
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InterBase и Delphi Клиент-серверные базы данных (+file)
Author: Осипов Д.Л.
Year: 2015
Format: PDF
File size: 50 MB
Language: RU

A long time ago, in the mid-90s. of the last century, when the very first version of Delphi (still owned by Borland at that time) was born, the new design environment was primarily talked about as an excellent platform for developing desktop and client-server applications for databases. After almost 20 years, Delphi not only did not lose its position in this segment of the computer market, but also significantly increased its capabilities.

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