MAGAZINES - HANDMADE - Майстерня вишивки
Майстерня вишивки -   PDF  MAGAZINES HANDMADE
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Майстерня вишивки
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Language: UA

It is mute є n_chy prekrasn_shy, n_zh stvoryuvat beauty of a svo§ma hands, you bring rad_st r_dny that to blizky people. The skin is kvіtochka, the skin is vіzerunok, adherently to the canvas, to beat the tsei svіt dobrіshim. Mi radі daruvati natkhnennya to you, yake in addition to the spravzhnі masterpiece. On the storіnkakh issue of Vi's magazine, you will know tsіkavі the origіnalnі vishitі virobi. Paying in Dovershene "Vishukan_st" for svyatkovo ї under і ї, zh_noch_ to a blouse of Primkh, Serpanok, "Tradits_ya" z an ornament a rhombus і Kv_tkov z polyovy kv_ta, a vishivanka "For a donechka". "Melodіya kvіtіv" kit. Zhіnochі cherries: "Melanіya" with a geometric ornament. Cholovіchі Vishivanki: "Plin," Vishivanka for the lad - they are hostile lakonіchnіstyu that dovershenіstyu. The rubritsі "Creation of the Master" has an Easter rushnik until the Svіtlogo of St. Great Day.