BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Самолетостроение в СССР 1917-1945 гг. Книги 1-2...
Самолетостроение в СССР 1917-1945 гг. Книги 1-2
Author: Г.С. Бюшгенс
Year: 1992-1994
Format: PDF
File size: 636 MB
Language: RU
Year: 1992-1994
Format: PDF
File size: 636 MB
Language: RU
In the first book of the monograph "Aircraft construction in the USSR. 1917-1945. "materials on the history of domestic aircraft construction of the period 1917-1939 are given. The second book combines chapters on the development of Soviet aircraft construction during the Second World War (1939-1945) and an overview of Allied combat aircraft. It also analyzes some general aspects of the development of aviation science and aircraft construction based on piston engines and highlights the first practical work of Soviet aircraft designers in the field of jet aviation.