BOOKS - COOKING - 100 рецептів на кожен день
US $8.68
100 рецептів на кожен день
Author: артиновська О., Ярославський В.
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 21,83 MB
Language: UA
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 21,83 MB
Language: UA
Shef-kukhar_ Olga of Martinovsk that Volodymyr Yaroslavsky took on themselves v_dpov_daln_st stvorit to an eksklyuzivn a kul_narna the book, in yak_y Boulia z_bran_ perev_ren_ the recipe on sacredly that on kozhen would day. І їm tse in the distance! "100 retsept_v on kozhen day" - a kul_narny exclusive, in yaky vi you znaydt a pokrokova _nstrukts_yu prigotuvannya strav v_d topkukhar_v Ukra§ni. The restaurateur that vipusknik naykrashchy kul_narny shk_l to a z_brala sv_t dosv_d in odn_y kniz і, shchob vi z legk_styu could divuvat r_dny, druz_v that chief-kukhar_v. Yaskrav_ fotokartka, super-yak_sny druk, life hacks that osobist_ a _stor і ї v_d Olga that Volodymyr - tse to a b_lsha, n_zh a kul_narna the book. 100 author's recipes and 400 shredded fotografіy the skin process. Grass on the ground and on the sacred, yaki live on the most numerous gourmet. Mershchіy hope for that twist masterpiece at once!