BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Диагностика герметичных химических источников тока...
Диагностика герметичных химических источников тока - А.А. Таганова 2007 DJVU | PDF ХИМИЗДАТ BOOKS EQUIPMENT
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Диагностика герметичных химических источников тока
Author: А.А. Таганова
Year: 2007
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 10,1 MB
Language: RU

The real possibilities of diagnosing chemical current sources of various electrical systems, disposable and rechargeable, and its limitations are analyzed. Equipment for diagnostic procedures, stationary and portable, is described. For specialists of quality control services of chemical sources of current during production and during its operation, as well as for developers of diagnostic equipment and service systems for servicing autonomous power supplies.

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