BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Партизанское оружие
Партизанское оружие - Скоринко Г.В., Лопарев С.А. 2014 PDF Минск Издательский дом "Звязда" BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
USDt 9.71


Партизанское оружие
Author: Скоринко Г.В., Лопарев С.А.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 61 MB
Language: RU

The catalog for the first time publishes unique information about the collection of homemade partisan weapons of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War. The collection has the status of historical and cultural value of category "1" of the Republic of Belarus. The catalog is important in terms of the development of design thought and technical solutions related to the combat activities of partisans and folk craftsmen.

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