BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Основы теории цифровой обработки сигналов...
Основы теории цифровой обработки сигналов - Умняшкин С.В. 2021 - изд. 6-е, исправл. PDF Техносфера BOOKS EQUIPMENT
USDt 5.61


Основы теории цифровой обработки сигналов
Author: Умняшкин С.В.
Year: 2021 - изд. 6-е, исправл.
Format: PDF
File size: 48 MB
Language: RU

The textbook is intended for university students studying in the areas of training bachelors and masters "Applied Mathematics," "Computer Science and Computer Engineering," and is aimed at studying the theoretical foundations of digital signal processing (DSP). In addition to the basic sections of the DSP related to digital signal representation, analysis and synthesis of digital filters, the manual discusses the issues of multi-rate signal processing, adaptive filtering, discrete spectral analysis. Considerable attention is paid to such special sections of the DSP as efficient signal representation (data compression), theory and applications of discrete wavelet transformations.

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